Robert Pargac

Robert Pargac

Managing Director


Robert advises global and U.S. financial institutions on governance, risk management, audit, and regulatory-compliance matters, with a particular emphasis on financial-crime compliance and risk management programs.

He joined Promontory after working with Navigant, where he helped financial institutions remediate gaps in their compliance, audit, risk management, and governance programs. Robert previously served as the top legal and governance officer at financial startup 24/7 Card, and advised the board and senior management on the development and implementation of the firm’s internal audit function and compliance and governance programs. At Sigue Corp., Robert served as general counsel and chairman of the board’s audit committee. He helped the firm strengthen its governance and AML programs, in addition to leading the acquisition of a peer financial institution. He also served as senior counsel for AML/CTF compliance at First Data Corp. Robert began his financial career with Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, where he helped the bank’s subsidiaries in the U.S., U.K., Mexico, and South America develop and implement risk management, compliance, and ethics programs and perform internal investigations.

Taller: Cómo construir un exitoso programa de ALD para Bancos Corresponsales

Gran Salon

El panel se centrará en la gestión de las relaciones entre los bancos corresponsales y sus contrapartes en Estados Unidos, incluido como hacer  una evaluación de riesgos adecuada,  mejores practicas actuales en debida diligencia  y el monitoreo continuo, el intercambio de información y la comunicación.